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state bucket

Setting Up State Bucket

  1. Google Project Services Enablement:

    • Storage API: Enables the Google Cloud Storage API for the project.
    • KMS API: Enables the Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API for the project.
  2. KMS Key Management:

    • Key Ring Creation: Creates a KMS key ring with a specified name and location.
    • Crypto Key Creation: Generates a cryptographic key within the key ring for encryption and decryption, defining rotation period and purpose.
    • Crypto Key Version: Creates a version of the cryptographic key.
  3. IAM Policy Management:

    • Key Admin Grant: Assigns the role of KMS admin to a specified user (
    • KMS Key Ring IAM Policy: Applies the KMS admin policy to the key ring.
    • KMS Crypto Key IAM Policy: Applies the KMS admin policy to the cryptographic key.
    • Project IAM Member: Grants a service account the role of Crypto Key Encrypter Decrypter for the project.
  4. Google Cloud Storage Setup:

    • Bucket Creation: Establishes a Google Cloud Storage bucket with specific configurations like name, location, storage class, versioning, encryption using the KMS key, access control, and labels.
    • IAM Policy for Bucket: Assigns the Storage Admin role to the specified user ( for the created storage bucket.

Overall, this script ensures a secure environment for managing cryptographic keys and storage in Google Cloud Platform, with appropriate access controls and permissions granted to designated users and service accounts.

Regarding state management, Terraform utilizes a .tfstate file to store state. To deploy a state bucket:

  1. Modify the backend configuration in the file, switching from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) to a local backend.
  2. Remove the -backend-config=backend/${ENV}.tfbackend option from line 6 of the Makefile.
  3. Run the command ENV=egov-devops make plan. Confirm state migration when prompted.
  4. Following these steps, a new state bucket will be created.