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Terraform Kubernetes Infrastructure Setup

1. Helm Chart for Ingress

  • Utilizes Helm to deploy the NGINX Ingress Controller.
  • Configures the load balancer IP address for the Ingress controller.

2. ConfigMaps

  • Defines three ConfigMaps for specific purposes:
    • care_production: Holds configurations for the "care" application in the default namespace.
    • care_fe_production: Contains configuration data for the frontend application.
    • nginx_conf_production: Stores Nginx configuration settings for the production environment.

3. Secrets

  • Specifies two Secrets:
    • metabase-secrets: Stores environment variables needed by the Metabase application.
    • care_production: Contains sensitive data required by the "care" application.

4. Deployments

  • Creates deployments for various components:
    • care_django_production: Deploys the "care" Django application.
    • care_production_celery_beat: Sets up the Celery Beat service.
    • care_production_celery_worker: Deploys the Celery Worker service.
    • care_dashboard_production: Deploys the "care" dashboard.
    • care_fe_production_deployment: Deploys the frontend application.
    • fidelius_deployment: Deploys the Fidelius application.
    • metabase_production_deployment: Deploys the Metabase application.
    • care_nginx_production: Deploys the Nginx server.
    • redis_cache_production: Deploys the Redis cache.

5. Services

  • Defines services to expose different components internally:
    • care_fe_staging_production
    • care_django_production
    • care_dashboard_production
    • fidelius
    • metabase
    • care_nginx_production
    • redis_cache_production

6. Ingress

  • Configures an Ingress resource named care_ingress to expose services externally.
  • Defines TLS settings for secure communication.
  • Routes traffic based on hostnames to corresponding services.

7. Certificate/Cluster Issuer

  • Utilizes the apply_infra_files null resource to apply infrastructure files using kubectl apply.

This Terraform script orchestrates the deployment of multiple components in a Kubernetes cluster, while configuring networking and security settings for external access. It's a translation of the Infra Template into Terraform blocks using the Kubernetes provider.